SIGKDD is the Association for Computing Machinery's (ACM) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. It became an official ACM SIG in 1998. The 8th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Large-Scale Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics (ParLearning 2019). The annual KDD conference is the premier interdisciplinary conference bringing […]

ICED 2019

Responsible Design for Our Future In collaboration with the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology The Design Society is proud to announce the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19). Designing for our future is difficult: what might be new technologies, what are new trends, what kind of products and services will […]

Web Summit 2019

Forbes has said we run “the best technology conference on the planet”; The Atlantic that Web Summit is “where the future goes to be born”; The New York Times that we assemble “a grand conclave of the tech industry’s high priests.” At a time of great uncertainty for industry upon industry and the world itself, […]

The AI Summit HK 2019

THE ASIA’S LARGEST AI EVENT FOR BUSINESS Procure, Implement, Optimise and Build your next AI project From how you engage with your customers to how you fundamentally operate as an organisation, AI has cemented its place as the catalyst to business transformation all over the world. But how can you act to grasp the opportunities […]


Welcome to IJCAI 2019, the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. This will be the second time that IJCAI is held in China: the first time was 2013 in Beijing, the capital of this large country. Macao is the single most consistent example of cultural interchange between Europe and Asia; the official languages are Chinese […]

DataTalks #12 TLV

Test Driven Data Science and The Power of Weak Supervision Our 12th meetup is hosted by Check Point and will explore how spending more time with your data can drive the creation of better models – even with no supervised signal at all! AGENDA 18:30-19:00 Gathering, snacks & mingling 19:00-19:45 First talk: Gershon Celniker – […]

DevOpsDays Conference 2019

Join leading speakers from around the globe, together with DevOps, SRE, platform, production and operations engineers for two full days of sessions & masterclasses focusing on best practices in operations and systems engineering to gear engineering teams for success. DevOpsDays is a volunteer-led event, by the community for the community – with talks contributed by […]

7th Annual Global Big Data Conference

Global Big Data Conference's vendor agnostic Global Artificial Intelligence(AI) Conference is held on October 1st, October 2nd, & October 3rd 2019 on all industry verticals (Finance, Retail/E-Commerce/M-Commerce, Healthcare/Pharma/BioTech, Energy, Education, Insurance, Manufacturing, Telco, Auto, Hi-Tech, Media, Agriculture, Chemical, Government, Transportation and etc). It will be the largest vendor agnostic conference in AI space. The Conference […]

The International Design Conference 2019

The International Design Conference 2019 is a celebration of the diversity, overlap and undeniable power of design. Three years in the making, this landmark event is a revolutionary step by the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) to invite influential voices to the table for a long awaited conversation. The convergence of digital and physical experiences […]

An Event Apart Chicago 2019

Why You Should Attend An Event Apart? Sometimes, to do your best work, you need a change of pace, to get out from behind your desk for a bit and open yourself up to a whole new world of people and ideas. Attending a conference is a great way to do exactly that. It’s a […]

PRICAI 2019 • Yanuca Island, Cuvu — Fiji

The 16th Pacific Rim International Conference On Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI) is an international event which concentrates on AI theories, technologies, and their applications in the areas of social and economic importance for countries in the Pacific Rim. In the past the conferences have been held in Nagoya (1990), Seoul (1992), Beijing (1994), Cairns (1996), Singapore […]

IASDR Conference 2019 • MANCHESTER — UK

International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019 DESIGN REVOLUTIONS will explore how design drives and responds to revolutionary thinking through questioning the norm, probing the now and embracing the new. The unifying theme of Design Revolutions provides multifaceted opportunities for design research appropriate to the standing of IASDR and attuned to contemporary debates […]

DataConf 2019 (by DataHack)

DataConf, our FREE data science conference, is back this year and it's better than ever! A casual data science conference by DataHack. DataConf brings together data science and machine learning experts from the top companies in Israel for a day of knowledge sharing. DataConf will occur in parallel to DataHack and will be open to […]

ICIAP 2019 • Trento — Italy

ICIAP 2019 is the 20th edition of a series of conferences organized biennially by the Italian Member Society (CVPL, ex GIRPR) of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). The focus of the conference is on both classic and recent trends in computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing, and covers both theoretical and applicative […]

BMVC 2019 • Cardiff — Wales UK

The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) is the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA) annual conference on machine vision, image processing, and pattern recognition. It is one of the major international conferences on computer vision and related areas held in the UK. With increasing popularity and quality, it has established itself as a prestigious event on […]