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The Annual Excellence Conference 2018 • Pioneering Professional Community

December 19, 2018

The anual excellence conference 2018 is the culmination of the competition for excellence in human resources, and provides a platform for innovative and groundbreaking projects led by human resources professionals from a variety of organizations and companies.

At the conference you will be exposed to rich knowledge, unique tools and implementation practices, and will get to know the best professionals and content experts in our community who will share with you the innovative processes that have led the organization.

You do not want to miss this conference!

The Anual Human Resources Excellence Conference 2018 is a Ted-style conference that provides a platform for innovative and groundbreaking projects that have won the Excellence Competition in a wide variety of categories: the introduction of organizational changes, the development of human capital, the entry gate for the organization, employee experience, engagement, promotion of social values ​​and more.

The conference will expose you to rich knowledge, innovative projects, unique tools and implementation practices, from leading organizations such as Intel and Elbit to pioneering start-ups, and get to know the best professionals and content experts in our community.


When? 19/12/18
Where? Valley’s Event Complex
Ze’ev Belfer 27, Kfar Saba, Israel.

REG>> The anual excellence conference 2018 – REGISTRATION
וואלי-Valley-גן אירועים’s facebook page
העמותה לניהול פיתוח וחקר משאבי אנוש’s facebook page
הפקת אירועים | אורין | ORIN’s facebook page


December 19, 2018
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