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Eyeo Festival 2020

June 8, 2020 - June 11, 2020

Eyeo Festival 2020

“We must remember that, in the real world of technology, most people live and work under conditions that are not structured for their well-being.”
–Ursula Franklin, The Real World of Technology (1989)

Over the first ten years of the Eyeo Festival, we’ve hosted a series of Code+ summits around topics that we’ve felt could benefit from longer and more intimate discussions than the main conference allows. With Code+Education, Code+Activism, Code+Resistance, Code+Climate and Code+Libraries, we brought Eyeo attendees and speakers together with outside experts and curious community members to ask new questions and come up with new models for collaboration and critical action.

For 2020, Eyeo’s 10th year, we’re convening the Code+ summit around a key concept that has threaded through each of the previous years’ events: Care. How does the work we do affect others, and how might we reduce potential harms? How can we act as individual practitioners and as a community to be more careful? How can we care more in the work that we do, and how can our work encourage others to care?

Eyeo Festival 2020

The Format
Structured as an ‘un-conference’, Code+Care summit provides a forum for every attendee to lead discussions, present work, teach workshops and devise new models for effective communication. This mini-conference will follow a ‘wiki’ format, meaning that the schedule for the event will be constructed and edited by the attendees themselves, based on their shared enthusiasms and interests.

Tweet about it! #CodePlusCare

Eyeo Festival 2020

Who Should Attend?
The Code+Care summit is open to coders & non-coders, technologists, activists and would-be-activists, organizers and those looking to be organized. We’re committed to assembling a diverse set of voices and skill sets, and to providing a safe space for conversation.

Registration Required – Pay What you Can
Registration for the Summit is required and attendance is limited to 100 participants. We expect demand to exceed capacity. Registration opens on February 19th, 2020 at the same time tickets for the Eyeo Festival go on sale.

Registration is required. The summit operates on a “pay what you can” basis.

Minimum registration fee = $10.
Suggested registration fee = $40.

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Eyeo Festival 2020

When? 08-11/06/20
Where? The Walker Art Center
725 Vineland Pl (Place), Minneapolis, MN 55403, United States.

REG>> Eyeo Festival 2020 — REGISTRATION
Eyeo Festival’s facebook page
Walker Art Center’s facebook page
eyeo organizers’s twitter page


June 8, 2020
June 11, 2020
Event Categories:
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